Every word you speak is an affirmation. Your word is law. Your words are your affirmations for your life...

Every word you speak is an affirmation. Your word is law. Your words are your affirmations for your life. So what you decree and proclaim (say aloud) for yourself quite literally becomes your reality. So beware!

Don’t dwell on your difficulties, problems, or aches and pains. Refuse to speak about them. Refuse to give them any notice. Refuse to give them your power. Instead, when people ask you how you’re doing, tell them something good. You can always find something good to focus on and report. And when you do, this Good will grow, especially if you speak of it, proclaim it, and praise it.

If you can’t find something good to say, then at least you can keep quiet. Silence is another way of saying no to the negative. By not speaking of problems and difficulties, you give them no power.


Fuente: Fast food for the soul. Barbara Berger. Harper Collins Publishers. London. 2003.


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