One good way to find out what you really want is to let go of or release what you don’t want...

One good way to find out what you really want is to let go of or release what you don’t want.

In other words, you’ve asked yourself: What is the mission of my life? What is my dream? What is the divine plan for my stay on Earth? And you’ve come up with absolute zilch.

If that’s the case, if you really don’t know what you want to do, achieve, be, or become, you can start cleaning up your act and creating clarity in your life by letting go of everything you are absolutely sure you don’t want.

Release and let go of possessions, places, situations, people, circumstances, and relationships that no longer interest you. Just bless them with love and let them go. Create some empty space around yourself. Let some fresh air into your room, house, relationships, and life. I guarantee that interesting things will begin to happen.


Fuente: Fast food for the soul. Barbara Berger. Element. London. 2002.


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